Cancer Connection of Northwest Ohio, Inc., could not fulfill its mission without our dedicated volunteers. We are always in need of caring volunteers, and would be thrilled to have you join us. We note that the process to become a Board Member is different from becoming a volunteer. Please call Cancer Connection of Northwest Ohio, Inc. to learn more if interested in serving on our Board.
We have many unique volunteer opportunities, including:
- Outreach (assisting at educational events like health fairs)
- Event Assistant (assisting at various events, including fundraising)
- Hand-in-Hand (attending doctor appointments with patients)*must have medical background or experience
- Office Assistant
No matter how you serve as a volunteer for our organization, your time and talents are much appreciated. Our volunteer mission is to join together and reach further to inspire and equip volunteers to take action to provide hands-on support. Each of us can make a difference in a small way, in our own community, and can find ways to help that will make our efforts worth the investment of our time.
To learn more about the process of becoming a volunteer for Cancer Connection of Northwest Ohio, Inc., please contact us. If you are ready to sign-up as a volunteer, please complete the following Volunteer Worksheet to help us understand your volunteer interests. A member of our team will then be in touch with you shortly.