Give While You Shop

Donate Through Kroger and Amazon

Cancer Connection of Northwest Ohio is happy to offer the Northwest Ohio community two opportunities to donate while you shop. Simply by registering your Kroger Plus Card and setting your Community Rewards organization to Cancer Connection or by starting your Amazon shopping trip at Amazon Smile, you can direct valuable rebate dollars to Cancer Connection of Northwest Ohio. We encourage you to learn more about these opportunities to give while you shop and invite your friends and family members to participate as well:


Kroger Community Rewards

kroger-community-rewardsEvery time you shop for groceries at Kroger and swipe your Kroger Plus Card, Cancer Connection automatically begins to earn a rebate. It’s that easy! There’s no effect on your Fuel Points, but it is necessary to re-register each year so that we can continue to be rewarded for your purchases.

To register your Kroger Plus Card and enroll for Community Rewards:

1. Go to and click, “Create an Account.”

2. Complete the Sign In information, select your preferred store, and click, “Create Account.”

3. Add your Kroger Plus Card to your account and click, “Save.”

4. Scroll down to the “Community Rewards” section and click, “Edit.”

5. Under “Find Your Organization,” type Cancer Connection. Select “Cancer Connection of NWO, Inc.” (Organization #91195) by clicking the circle. Please don’t forget to click the “Enroll,” button!

6. You are now registered. Over the next 7-10 days, watch the bottom of your shopping receipt for the confirmation message, “At your request, Kroger is donating to Cancer Connection of NWO, Inc.”

If you have already registered your Kroger Plus Card and simply need to re-enroll, begin by signing into your existing Community Rewards account and proceed with the remaining directions above.


Amazon Smile

amazon-smileAmazonSmile is a giving program that donates 0.5% of the price of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. To use this program to support Cancer Connection of Northwest Ohio, Inc., please start your shopping at and enter our name as your own charitable organization of choice.

If you have any questions about either program, please let us know. Thank you for choosing to support Cancer Connection of Northwest Ohio, Inc., while you shop!